Portfolio 2018 - 2019

Projects from all types and backgrounds.

Strom Centre Management System

Strom Centre

Weird Name Right? This site is by far the biggest site I have built. Working in a team environment, another co-worker and I built this application for our team to track daily tasks we do. From tracking site builds and projects, to supporting your team with shout-outs.

Powered by: NodeJS, ExpressJS, and MongoDB
Github: Source

Invictus Messaging Site

Invictus Messaging

Ever use twitter? Invictus is a project I worked on and completed for my first React course on Udemy. I experienced working with ES6 and React, as well as with Redux. I learned a lot and it was one of my first actual completed projects, which included creating my first own logo. So a positive for me.

Powered by: NodeJS, ReactJS, and MongoDB
Github: Source

Integration Matrix System

Integration Matrix

This Matrix is not like the movies. It's just a simple collection of data that’s added by the user to show a list of software. This is tailored towards something my company does for a notification service. Although it’s not viewable currently with the data, the structure and foundation are in place to create a sample one with ease.

Powered by: NodeJS, ExpressJS, and MongoDB
Github: Source